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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

How to improve consumer protection rights in Bahrain?

In an article in the Gulf Daily News Consumer Protection Society Chairman Majed Nasser Sharaf suggested that consumer protection rights in Bahrain would be improved with the implementation of stronger laws and the establishment of dedicated courts and an independent authority.  In the same article Chairman Sharaf referred to a new Consumer Law.

Will the new Consumer Law improve consumer rights in Bahrain? I will be investigating this and will report back once I have some feedback. But perhaps the way to improve the position of the consumer isn't through new or stronger laws. With the increasing use of social media it is so much easier now to relay our consumer experiences (good or bad) to a wider audience and perhaps retailers would be more willing to to honour a consumer's rights through fear of losing future sales due to negative social media as opposed to fear from falling foul of a new law. Indeed, communicating with a retailer on line is definitely easier than filing a formal legal case and would probably achieve the desired effect of obtaining a refund, repair or replacement. Perhaps what is needed is a change in consumer attitude where consumers get into the habit of using social media to demand their rights.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Paul,


    I've an issue with Zurich International Life Ltd., (ZILL) Bahrain from which, I bought two InvestPlus Policies through Citibank, Bahrain. The Policies were not administered properly and ZILL breached the Terms and Conditions of the Policies, but decline recourse. I am an Indian Citizen and work in Kuwait. A Complaint was made to the Central Bank of Bahrain, but it has been of no assistance, so far. Can I take up the matter with Bahrain Consumer Protection ?.

    I remain thankful for any advice on the above matter.

    Thanking you and with best regards,

    Subbiah Shanmugam
    Asst. Director - Comml.
    Mushrif Trad. & Cont. Co., Kuwait
    Tel: + 965 1822227 - Ext. 276
    Mobile: + 965 97240558
    Fax: + 965 24741423
    Email: &
